Tuesday 2 December 2014


The Politics of Pakistan is practiced and takes place within the framework under which the country is established. A Nation-state, Pakistan's governing structure is composed as the Islamic, federal, and parliamentary republic. As Constitution's stipulations provided a delicate balance of sharing powers between the Executive, Parliament, and Judiciary are reserved as the federal government shares sovereignty with the provincial governments.
The executive branch (or government) is headed by the Prime Minister of Pakistan and is independent of the legislature. The Parliament is composed as a bicameral institution which is vested in the two chambers of Parliament– the Senate and the National Assembly. Although, the President of Pakistan is a ceremonial figurehead to represent the unity of a nation-state; the Presidency is also a vital part of the Parliament. The Judicature consists of the Supreme Court, high courts (including district, anti-terrorism, and green courts) exercises judicial power (or judiciary). The judiciary's function is to interpret the Constitution and federal laws and regulations.


Today, NASA has announced that its Kepler telescope has uncovered a new solar system about 500 light years away, currently dubbed Kepler 186. Circling that star are five planets, and the outermost planet, Kepler-186f, is about the size of Earth and within the star’s habitable zone.

In the hunt for exoplanets (planets outside of our solar system), one of the things that astronomers have been desperately searching for is another planet like Earth that’s capable of supporting life. It’s been a close thing, so far. Astronomers have found Earth-sized planets in other solar systems. They have found planets in the “habitable zone” (an orbit where temperatures would be potentially conducive to life) of other solar systems. But they haven’t found an Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone of another star.
Until now.
Today, NASA has announced that its Kepler telescope has uncovered a new solar system about 500 light years away, currently dubbed Kepler 186. Circling that star are five planets, and the outermost planet, Kepler-186f, is about the size of Earth and within the star’s habitable zone.


USB Bluetooth Hub

USB Bluetooth Hub is not only an ordinary hub, but also a Bluetooth dongle at the same time. You can connect any other USB devices with the 3-port hub and interact with Bluetooth devices by its Bluetooth function. You may wonder there are obviously built-in 4 ports in the hub, how come call it 3-port hub? Actually, there are 3 ports for connecting devices with the computer for data transfer, the remaining port provides power for devices. It is good for connecting USB lamps, USB fans, USB Ionizers, etc.

Tuesday 25 November 2014


With no doubt Internet is a great source of various types of informationMoreoverit becomes one of themost popular way of spending timeIt seems obviousthat with its enormous diversity and easy accessthere must exist advantages and drawbacks of using .

We had to confess that Internet is really a window on the worldLike no other mediait allow us chooseexactly what we want to know and where we want to read about it from huge amount of websites. It’s ourmost diversity and biggest way to getting information ranging from detailed weather forecast in our townto worldwide news

FurthermoreInternet makes incredible easiest our staying in touch with other peopleNowadays lots ofpeopleespecially who live in other cities or even other continents think Internet most valuable form ofcontacting which enable not only to sending e-mails or chatting but also making video-talks using for example the Skype,viber and tango.